Fazylzhan Anar Muratkyzy
Филология ғылымдарының кандидаты, А.Байтұрсынұлы атындағы Тіл білімі институтының директоры, жоба жетекшісі
Kuderinova Kuralay Bimoldinovna
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Head of the Spoken Subcorpus
Bazarbayeva Zeynep Muslimkyzy
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Chief Research Scientist of the Phonetics Department
Amanbayeva Aysaule Zhantemirkyzy
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Head of the Phonetics Department
Zhumabayeva Zhanar Tolendykyzy
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Head of the Experimental Phonetics Laboratory
Amirzhanova Nazira Serikkyzy
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Leading Research Scientist of the Department of Speech Culture
Karshygaeva Aynur Aralbekkyzy
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Research Scientist of the Phonetics Department
Turgynbayeva Zhazira Dosymbekkyzy
Research Scientist of the Department of Speech Culture
Ospangaziyeva Nazgul Bakytkyzy
PhD Doctoral Student, Research Scientist of the Phonetics Department
Piyazbayeva Akmaral Beysenkulkyzy
PhD Doctoral Student, Research Scientist of the Department of Social Linguistics
Бияздықова Әлия
Ахметтану бөлімінің аға ғылыми қызметкері (2022)
Beysenkhan Samal
Master of Humanities, Senior Lab Assistant of the Department of Applied Linguistics
Kozhakhmet Asem Mukhitkyzy
Master of Humanities, Senior Lab Assistant of the Ahmet Studies Department
Тұрсатаева Самал Саржанқызы
Гуманитарлық ғылымдар бакалавры, Тіл мәдениеті бөлімінің аға лаборанты
Serikkyzy Marzhan
PhD Doctoral Student, Junior Research Scientist of the Ethnolinguistics Department (2022)
Karbozova Asem Nyshanalikyzy
Master’s Student in Kazakh Philology, Senior Lab Assistant of the Ahmet Studies Department (2022)
Eskendir Zharas Ertayuly
PhD Doctoral Student, Junior Research Scientist of the Department of Speech Culture
Kemelkhan Ulbanu Akhatkyzy
Master of Philological Sciences, Senior Lab Assistant of the Phonetics Department
Orazbek Nursultan Qasymkhanuly