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Welcome to the website of the main building of the Kazakh language! The main corpus is an electronic collection of texts from 5 styles of the Kazakh language (fiction style, scientific style, journalistic style, paper style, speech style) as an IT resource for scientific research and training.The purpose of the main corpus is to be a source of texts covering all stylistic layers in the Kazakh language, reflecting a single image of one language. The total volume is 31,105,900 wordsapplication. The main body consists of a search engine by word, wordform (word transformation). Morphological, semantic, lexical, phonetic-phonological types of designations work in the main Corps. These designations provide information at all levels of the language about the word from which the search is made: In morphological notation, the analyzer automatically divides the word/wordform into Root and suffix (lemmatization), puts the word herd on the root (Lemma). Gives a grammatical description of applications. The lexical designation reflects all the meaning of words in the Explanatory Dictionary. In phonetic notation, word orthoepy is given and automatically divided into syllables, and the types of syllables are described. In phonological notation, a phonemic description of the sounds contained in a word is given. Each text included in the main body has a source (metadata). The metadata window opens from the second page when you point the cursor to the author. The user can search for the desired word by metadata types (text author, text name, author gender, text style, audience, circulation type, date, title, full source).


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